Tango Workshops
Spiraling Motion ∙ Connection ∙ Musicality
May 16th - 21st
w/ Diana Cruz・Cleveland, OH
Friday, May 16th・Viva Dance Studio*
7:00pm - 8:15pm: TBA (Register at the Door)
Saturday, May 17th・Brooklyn Heights Community Center*
The Line In-Between: A Study of the Frame in the Tango Embrace
12:00pm - 1:15pm: Concepts and exercises for Space, Flexibility and Confort in the Tango Embrace. Laboratory of Movement and its Application to Tango Sequences
1:30pm - 2:45pm: Cruces: Crossed Steps in Close Axis Embrace. Pelvis Position, Spiraling Motions, Fluid Transitions. Laboratory of Movement and its Application to Tango Sequences
3:00pm - 4:15pm: De Cruces y Aperturas: The Frame of the Embrace at the service of the Tango Structure. Laboratory of Movement and its Application to Tango Sequences
8:00pm - 12:00am: Grand Milonga Dj TBA
Sunday, May 18th・Brooklyn Heights Community Center*
Musicality: Dynamics & Composition
12:00pm - 1:15pm: Ideas, Tools & Technique for Lyrical Movements in the Dance
1:30pm - 2:45pm: Ideas, Tools & Technique for Rhythmic Movements in the Dance
3:00pm - 4:15pm: Musical Phrasing, Pauses, Accelerations, Transitions between Styles of the Dance.
4:15pm - 5:30pm: Práctica
Tuesday, May 20th ・Brooklyn Heights Community Center*
7:00pm - 8:15pm: TBA (Register at the Door)
8:15pm: Farewell Milonga ∙ DJ Jane
* Venues:
Brooklyn Heights Community Center: 225 Tuxedo Ave, Brooklyn Heights, OH, 44131
Viva Dance Studio: 1541 E 38th St, Cleveland, OH 44114
A Limited Number of Private Lessons with Diana will be available on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday. Please contact Jane Akberdin for scheduling your privates and more information: